The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8
character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to
represent free-form human-readable text.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- scalar String
link Require by
- Accessnull
- AccountA registered account
- AccountEdgenull
- AccountUsersEdgenull
- AddToMusicLibraryInputnull
- AddToMusicLibraryPayloadnull
- AlbumAn album
- AlbumEdgenull
- ArtistAn Artist
- ArtistEdgenull
- BlockedTracknull
- BlockedTrackEdgenull
- BlockTrackInputnull
- BlockTrackPayloadnull
- BrowseCategorynull
- CollectionTracksEdgenull
- ColorPairA pair of complementary colors
- Copyrightnull
- CuratorA curator profile contains the information that is publically shown when e.g a schedule or playlist from an account is shared.
- DeviceA physical device that that plays music.
- Errornull
- ErrorEdgenull
- FeatureA Feature
- HistoryTrackEdgenull
- ImageUrlA simple image
- LocationA physical location, like a store. Can have one or many sound zones
- LocationEdgenull
- LoginDeviceInputnull
- LoginDevicePayloadnull
- LoginUserInputnull
- LoginUserPayloadnull
- MusicLibraryA music library contains added soundtracks, playlists and schedules.
- MusicLibraryPlaylistsEdgenull
- MusicLibrarySchedulesEdgenull
- MusicLibrarySoundtracksEdgenull
- OldImageAn image
- PageInfonull
- PauseInputnull
- PausePayloadnull
- PendingAccountUsersEdgenull
- PendingUserAn invited user
- PlayInputnull
- PlaylistA playlist
- PlaylistsEdgenull
- PlayPayloadnull
- PublicAPIClientnull
- PublicApiClientAccountsEdgenull
- RefreshLoginInputnull
- RefreshLoginPayloadnull
- RemoveFromMusicLibraryInputnull
- RemoveFromMusicLibraryPayloadnull
- RootQueryTypenull
- ScheduleA schedule of what music should play when, during the course of a week
- SearchFilternull
- SearchResultEdgenull
- SetPlayFromInputnull
- SetPlayFromPayloadnull
- SetVolumeInputnull
- SetVolumePayloadnull
- SimilarPlaylistsEdgenull
- SkipTrackInputnull
- SkipTrackPayloadnull
- SlotA sequence of collections (soundtracks or playlists) that should be played for a specific period of time.
- SoundtrackA soundtrack is a week-long, curated collection of music hand-picked for commercial use
- SoundtrackSummaryA summary describing the soundtrack
- SoundZoneA Sound Zone
- SoundZoneEdgenull
- SpotifySourcenull
- TagPlaylistnull
- Tracknull
- TrackEdgenull
- UnblockTrackInputnull
- UnblockTrackPayloadnull
- UserA user
- __DirectiveRepresents a directive
- __EnumValuenull
- __Fieldnull
- __InputValuenull
- __SchemaRepresents a schema
- __TypeRepresents scalars, interfaces, object types, unions, enums in the system