The `Boolean` scalar type represents `true` or `false`.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- scalar Boolean
link Require by
- AccountSettingsnull
- AccountUsersEdgenull
- AlbumAn album
- Assignablenull
- Errornull
- FeatureA Feature
- PageInfonull
- PendingAccountUsersEdgenull
- PlaylistA playlist
- ScheduleA schedule of what music should play when, during the course of a week
- SoundtrackA soundtrack is a week-long, curated collection of music hand-picked for commercial use
- SoundZoneA Sound Zone
- SoundZoneFilternull
- SoundZoneSubscriptionSubscription information
- TagPlaylistnull
- Tracknull
- __DirectiveRepresents a directive
- __EnumValuenull
- __Fieldnull
- __TypeRepresents scalars, interfaces, object types, unions, enums in the system