Soundtrack SDK | Docs

Table of Contents


The Soundtrack SDK enables you to build support for Soundtrack on your platform. By combining expert curation and world-class tech, Soundtrack Your Brand provides a beautiful all-in-one solution for streaming music to stores, hotels, restaurants, and other commercial settings.

The SDK is available for selected partners. If you’re interested in becoming one, please reach out to (applications currently open for opportunities of more than 5000 locations).

This page contains the documentation for the SDK. In order to use it, you will need our latest build (which we will send to you).

Soundtrack SDK is the package containing all code and documentation needed for you to get started. Splayer API is the local API within the SDK, used for initiating and controlling playback.

Unless anything else is communicated by Soundtrack, the application shall be named “Soundtrack Player”.


Available actions





Detailed changelog can be found in the SDK package.

Date Version Changes Included APIs
Q4, 2017 1 First draft including basic functionality. splayerapi v1
Q2, 2018 2 Moved controls to a separate API. Clarified examples. splayerapi v2, splayerapi_control v1
Q4, 2018 3 Major/minor versioning. New metadata API. Some config variables renamed for clarity. splayerapi v3, splayer_controls_api v2, splayer_troubles_api v1, splayer_audio_api v1, splayer_metadata_api v1
Q2, 2020 4 Updated metadata API, config variable to turn off cover art download. Config to turn off core-dumps. splayerapi v4, splayer_controls_api v4, splayer_troubles_api v2, splayer_audio_api v1, splayer_metadata_api v2

Getting started


Make sure that you have:

All applications must be in line with the terms & conditions and be certified by Soundtrack (see certification criteria further down on this page).

What’s in the package?

Note: The package can’t be found on this page. It will be sent to you by Soundtrack. A static library version can be provided. It is not included by default due to the increase in size of the package

Soundtrack - Overview

We highly recommend that you play around with your Soundtrack account so you get an overview of the product prior to using the API. All guides and frequently asked questions regarding Soundtrack can be found on our help pages.

It’s extra important that you understand the hierarchy, where one account (e.g. “Ludwig’s Burgers”) can have multiple locations (e.g. “Flagship restaurant, Stockholm”) which in turn can have multiple sound zones (e.g. “Bar”, “Restaurant area”, “Staff room”).

Each sound zone can only have one device. Soundtrack supports multiple device types (see our help pages to see which ones). The rationale for having multiple sound zones is that you want different music in different parts of the same location. If you want the same music everywhere in the same location you’ll only need one device and then distribute the music with your audio system.

Create a device

Before you can run an application using the SDK, you must create a device using the Partner API. This device will be unique and needs to be paired to a sound zone. A device can only be paired with one sound zone at a time. The Partner API is a GraphQL API and you can run the following to create a device. Note: you need your Partner API credentials to do this step. It only needs to be done once since the pairing code does not change.

  1. Go to (this is just an explore tool, you should of course implement this code where you find it suitable)
  2. Add the Authorization header. In the “Value” field, write “Basic <your_credentials>” where <your_credentials> are the Partner API credentials that you should have received from Soundtrack. Ensure that you copy the full base64-token including the == on the end


Authorization: base64encode(client_id:client_secret)
  1. Enter a GraphQL query in the top box
    mutation PartnerCodeCreator($input:GeneratePairingCodesInput!){
     generatePairingCodes(input: $input) {
         codes {
  2. Include the query variables
     "input": {
         "deviceType": "EMBEDDED",
         "label": "Partnername M324",
         "hardwareIds": ["partner_id_ab12"]
    • Change the description to add a description of the specific hardware/platform, so we can distinguish among your devices in case there are any differences in hardware/platform or you come up with a new generation etc.
    • Set deviceType to EMBEDDED (currently not optional)
    • Change the label to the name of your product. This will be shown to users at
    • Change the hardwareIds entry to the hardware_id of your choice. See “Authentication & Pairing” for more info
  3. Run the query and you should get a pairing code as output. You will need this code to pair the created device with a specific sound zone later.
  4. Write down the hardware_id that you chose (in the example ‘partner_id_ab12’). Write down the pairing code that was output when you ran the query. You can rerun the query if you need to. Supplying an existing hardware id will always return the same pairing code.

Pairing a device with a sound zone

  1. Open
  2. Navigate to “zones”.
  3. Use an existing zone or create a new one.
  4. Click your zone and pair the device using the “Hardware” tab.
  5. Enter the Pairing Code that you got when creating a device.
  6. The device should now be paired with this sound zone.

Building and running the example code

  1. Open the /src folder. There are several examples showcasing some basic setup of a player application.
  2. Edit the example files with the hardware_id you created in the “Create a device” section (“partner_id_ab12” in above example).
  3. Supply the vendor secret to the application. This can be done in a few different ways:
    • Set the value directly in vendor_secret
    • Set -DVENDOR_SECRET=xxxx when building with cmake
    • Add the vendor secret directly in the CMakeList.txt file
  4. Build the project using cmake
  5. There will now be several example targets in the build root folder
  6. Run the example executable (eg. libsplayer_simple)
  7. There should be some console output and music should start playing shortly
is_playing() = false

alsa_open samp: 44100 channels: 2
Alsa initialized, buffer_size: 88200 period_size: 22050
Couldn't find PCM 'PCM' volume control.
alsa_audio_impl::audio_pause: 0
  9 21:56:36 tyson                    warn             job.cpp:161  Slow timer, seconds: 0.052278248003858607, context: "from: dsp.cpp:344 schedule_setup"
 alsa_audio_impl::audio_pause: 0
ERROR: EBADFD: Let's prepare alsa again
snd_pcm_prepare returned 0

Reference implementation

In the package distributed by SYB, you will find an array of example implementations. Feel free to modify as you wish.

Authentication & Pairing

Splayer API is only aware of Vendor Hardware ID, which is something that you as a vendor chose, and a Vendor Secret that you will get from Soundtrack. The hardware ID is used to generate the Device ID in the Partner API (see Create a Device above). The reason Soundtrack Device ID’s are used for pairing is because they are guaranteed to be unique, even though two vendors might have the same Vendor Hardware ID for two different devices. This way we avoid name clashes for devices.

Upgrade and provisioning

Splayer API is provisioned by Soundtrack’s build systems with rollout limited to a certain percent of all devices, or at a certain time of day considering local time zone of the device. Below are two different endpoints to use to retrieve the latest version of Splayer API for two different platforms (Android ARM 64 bit, Ubuntu 16.04 32 bit).

The template is basically:

"id": "QnVpbGQsLDFsZ2g1bW1uNnJrLw..",
"version": "48.17-308",
"link": "",
"checksum": "9e12bb0ded21711ea1c666dc776b2751febcc01f",
"platform": "splayer-x86_64"

The two important fields are version and link, you can disregard all other fields in the JSON.

The checksum is a sha1 hash of the file in the link. Make sure to verify the checksum matches for security and reliability reasons.

To get provisioning working you need to send three HTTP headers. Basically each device sends a Vendor Hardware ID as described above and a Device Vendor ID. In the example below the Vendor Hardware ID is 28cfe91fcc6d.


Example of adding HTTP headers with cURL

char buf[1024];
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "X-Device-Id-0:%s", device_id);

struct curl_slist *chunk = NULL;
chunk = curl_slist_append(chunk, "Accept:");
chunk = curl_slist_append(chunk, "X-Device-Key-0:eth0");
chunk = curl_slist_append(chunk, buf);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, chunk);

Approval process and certification

The application built is to be approved by Soundtrack and shall at all times adhere to the certification criterias (see: Certification).

Release management

This section describes the release management of the player library that we send out once a quarter. Note, that this update does not refer to the SDK itself with updated API, which will be communicated when available and backwards compatibility will be kept as long as possible.

Release SDK player software

The SYB releases contain a pre- and full-release. The pre-release is sent out for the purpose of SDK partner testing and the full-release is the the costumer production release. The SYB releases are taking place once every quarter, which is distributed into following months: November, February, May, August. See SDK Release Calendar for exact dates.


Every quarter the pre-release is sent out to the SDK pre-release channel.


Three weeks after the pre-release is sent out, the production release is sent out to the full customer base on Wednesday morning 02.00-06.00 (based on each player’s local time).

Patching SDK player software

In the event of a critical issue and there is a need for a patch release Soundtrack has the possibility to release outside of the normal release schedule. The reason for a patch is either an incident or an important bug.

Release schedule

You will get an email notification whenever we are sending out a new release either to your pre-release channel or a full production release. For any questions/issues, just reply back to us.

Here’s the full SDK Release Calendar.

Deprecation of software

We support a release for 6 months. Players running versions older than 6 month will stop music playback. One month in advance, the player is deprecated. The time is based on when the software was released.

Here’s the full SYB Deprecation Schedule.


When a player is unsupported, a device error DEVICE_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION is raised on the zone and authentication will fail with http 426 which results in that the player won’t be able to play more music. Mails are being sent out to the concerned customers and it’s possible to filter on “Need player update” in Business to find the right players.


When a player is deprecated, a device error DEVICE_ERROR_SOON_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION is raised on the zone but nothing happens on the player. Mails are being sent out to the concerned customers and it’s possible to filter on “Need player update” in Business to find the right players.

Please note that we can’t say which versions will be deprecated when, as that mainly depends on when that version was released (which can change over time). When we deprecate once a month the next deprecation batch will be decided, which will get the deprecation error (one month in advance of being unsupported). No player newer than 6 month will ever be unsupported from release date.


Older version of libstdc++ and running on the target.

Depending on GCC version you might have an older version of libc, libstdc++ and ld. We are running GCC 6.4 and 7.0 in production.

./libSplayer_alsa: /lib/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.20' not found (required by
./libSplayer_alsa: /lib/ version `CXXABI_1.3.8' not found (required by
./libSplayer_alsa: /lib/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.19' not found (required by
./libSplayer_alsa: /lib/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.21' not found (required by

If needed, we can link libstdc++ statically to avoid most of the issues, but your target platform needs a compatible (glibc). Use the same version of libc and libstdc++ on your target as in the toolchain that you provide us. For Linux, you can create them using Yocto or Buildroot. Be aware that we are using atomics from c++ 11, and some gcc toolchains put these in a separate library called This library is required on the device for our player to run.

Audio stutters

On some hardware we have seen ALSA defaulting to a very small buffer size. A 44.1Khz two channel PCM stream is 88 200 samples/per second. In the below example that’s a context switch 200 times a second (every 5ms). Now a small buffer size is great for low latency, game and sound applications where instant sound feedback is needed on user input. This is not the case for audio streaming. With these small buffers we can’t feed ALSA with audio fast enough, so we will get -EPIPE from snd_pcm_writei().

Alsa initialized, buffer_size: 1323 period_size: 441

Set the ALSA buffer size to at least 1 period (second). For 44.1Khz two channel PCM stream is buffer size 88 200 samples and a period size of 22 050 samples. We have provided the code in callbacks_alsa.c. You could try to set the buffer size to 4 periods instead.

Alsa initialized, buffer_size: 88200 period_size: 22050

Error codes explanation

By calling splayer_get_troubles() you are able to retrieve a list of SYB internal errors. See the example code to know how to do it. These error codes can vary between Splayer versions, but this list is updated whenever a new version is released with changes to them.

Here follows a brief explanation of the current possible errors:

Error name Explanation Condition
ERROR_VALID_IP Returns a list of the current network config. Fails if no network config is found.
ERROR_PING_SOUNDTRACK Checks connectivity to SYB internal endpoints in order for the product to work as expected Fails if the player can’t connect to any of these endpoints.
ERROR_PING_DNS Check the DNS Fails if DNS lookup doesn’t work
ERROR_PING_CDN Checks connectivity to the CDN-servers in order for the product to download/stream music. Fails if the player can’t connect to the endpoints.
ERROR_PING_CDN_IP Checks connectivity rate to the CDN-servers in order for the product to have sufficient connectivity to guarantee download/stream music. Fails if the player has a low success rate.
ERROR_PING_CERT Checks if a proxy is used. We do not support that. Fails if proxy is found.
ERROR_ONLINE_STATE Checks online state Fails if the player is offline/high amount of failing requests.
ERROR_PAIRED Checks if player is paired Fails if not paired.
ERROR_ACTIVE_SUBSCRIPTION Checks if player have active subscription Fails if inactive.
ERROR_CHANNEL_ASSIGNED Checks if any music is assigned Fails if no music assigned
ERROR_DOWNLOADED_DATA Checks downloaded data for the assigned music. Fails if nothing is downloaded.
ERROR_NO_VOLUME Checks the volume level Fails if there is no volume, level is zero.
ERROR_DISKCACHE_LOW Checks free disk space Fails if free disk space is below 1 GB.
ERROR_DISKCACHE_CRITICALLY_LOW Checks free disk space Fails if free disk space is below 256 MB.
ERROR_PAYMENT_EXPIRED Check payment status Fails if payment has expired.
ERROR_CLOCK_WRONG Check server time offset Fails if server time offset differs +- 15 min




Certification process

Type Test case Instructions Expected behavior
Setup 1.1 Start the device. - The device should be intuitive to install and come with necessary instructions. - It should be simple to start the Application.
. 1.2 Ensure Application has connectivity Clearly stated whether or not the Application can access Soundtrack
. 1.3 Find the device ID - The device ID shall be easy to find. - If the device ID is generated in the Application, this generation should take less than one second. - The device ID shall not be generated more than once (not needed, since the request always will give the same response). - When creating the device ID, the correct label and description should be set. - Clearly stated what the device ID is used for and how to use it in order to connect the Application to Soundtrack. - The label-field used when creating the device shall be correct.
. 1.4 Pair the Application in Soundtrack and assign a soundtrack Music should start playing within 2 minutes.
. 1.5 Ensure config variable bandwidth_limitation_kbps is set to at least 2000 kbps. Music playing.
Actions in web interface 2.1 Skip track Track skipped
. 2.2 Press pause Track paused
. 2.3 Press play Track resumed
. 2.4 Increase volume to max Volume set to max
. 2.5 Decrease volume to zero Volume set to minimum
. 2.6 Change soundtrack New soundtrack should start playing after the current track is done
Playback (offline) 3.1 Cut off internet access (e.g. by plugging out the ethernet cable) when the device is powered on Music should keep playing
. 3.2 Start device without internet access Music should keep playing
. 3.3 Enable internet again - Music should keep playing. - Device should go online in Soundtrack.
Playback - poor internet connectivity (ensure that you have music cached offline for this step) 4.1 Set up a network according to the profile “100% Loss”. See below. Music should keep playing
. 4.2 Set up a network according to the profile “High latency DNS”. See below. Music should keep playing
. 4.3 Set up a network according to the profile “Very bad network”. See below. Music should keep playing
. 4.4 Set up a network according to the profile “Edge”. See below. Music should keep playing
Updater 5.1 None - Contacts Soundtrack’s update service every 15 minutes (if the device is online). - If a new SDK is available: download. -When the new SDK downloaded: quit Application at end of next song. - If installation fails: fall back to previous SDK version
Watchdog 6.1 Make sure the application is running, then ask Soundtrack to simulate a crash remotely - Application should be restarted. - Music should start playing within 30 seconds.
Test latency on actions (implementation of these actions are not mandatory) 7.1 Skip track (e.g. using a button on the device or in the application) Track changes within 1 second
. 7.2 Press pause (e.g. using a button on the device or in the application) Track paused within 1 second
. 7.3 Press play (e.g. using a button on the device or in the application) Track resumed within 1 second
. 7.4 Change volume (e.g. using a button on the device or in the application) Volume changed within 1 second
. 7.5 Show result from troubleshooting endpoint (e.g. exposing if device is paired or not in the application) Correct information exposed (e.g. if the device is not paired to Soundtrack)
Stress test (final boss) 8.1 Assign the soundtrack ‘SDK Certification’ and play for one week Music playing
General 9.1 Check for Soundtrack marketing material (e.g. logos) Material not in breach with marketing guidelines

Poor internet connectivity profiles

. 100% loss High latency DNS Very bad network Edge
Downlink bandwidth No limit No limit 1 Mbps 240 Kbps
Downlink packets dropped 100 % 0 % 10 % 0 %
Downlink delay 0 ms 0 ms 500 ms 400 ms
Uplink bandwidth No limit No limit 1 Mbps 200 Kbps
Uplink packets dropped 100 % 0 % 10 % 0 %
Uplink delay 0 ms 0 ms 500 ms 440 ms
DNS delay 0 ms 3000 ms 0 ms 0 ms